Glace (Simon Lehnskov Lange) - Time of flight of ice thickness

Please join us for Simon Lehnskov Lange's, founder of Glace, talk titled "Time of flight of ice thickness" on the 28th of April from 12:15 to 12:45.

NB: This year Photonics in Industry will be held in auditorium 22, building 341. As something new, we require you to fill in your affiliation (Degree level: "BSc.", "MSc.", "PhD", or "other"; and Study line / Affiliation e.g. "Physics and Nanotechnology" or "DTU Photonics") - this is purely for statistical purposes, everyone is welcome. 

Remember to register for the event in order to receive a free sandwich during the event. 


Thu 28 Apr 22
12:15 - 12:45


Building 341 - Auditorium 22