Meeting Start
Webpage (OSA are shutting down their student chapter hosting)
- Frederik asks Mads how to get a DTU domain for DTU Lys.
- Martin backs up the current website.
- What about the DTU style? We will figure it out later
Email (OSA are shutting down their student chapter emails)
- We don’t really use the OSA provided email.
- Would be cool to have a email. Martin will look into it.
- Otherwise gmail or our own domain.
- Funlight
- Last year: Jesper Gluckstad. 2017: Nika Akopian, 2016: Peter Uhd
- Suggestions:
- Lars Dittmann on 5G and networks
- Paul Michael on LED
- Peter E. Andersen on biophotonics
- Darko Zibar on Machine Learning in Photonics
- NKT people on High power (100-200W) fiber lasers
- Marcus Carstensen on his Alzheimers lamp
- Prioritised list: 1. Lars Dittmann, 2. Darko Zibar, 3. NKT
- Mikkel reaches out.
- Abu is in charge of pizzas.
DTU Colloquia
- David Cook (McGilll, Canada) and woman from Cambridge are coming for Daena’s
defense on 14th of Feb. Mikkel asks Peter to reach out regarding a talk (45 min)
preferable on the morning of the defense.
- Cake
Rest of the year?
- Lunch with industry (October?)
- Outreach
- Company visit at 3Shape. We aim for April (perhaps before Easter). Mikkel contacts
- 3Shape to check time and maximum number of people.
- Career day: How to plan a career in photonics. With IDA (the Danish union for engineers)
- Pitching your project: An evening with pitches and pizzas
- Bachelor/Master get-together maybe combined with a BBQ
Social day
Anything else?
Good slogan.
- Interact with bachelor student more
- Mikkel remembers cake next time