DTU-Lys board meeting 26.08.2019

Tuesday 27 Aug 19

Attendees: Mikkel, Neethu, Daena, Simon and Abu.

Meeting start

Since last meeting

  • BBQ

Follow up from last meeting’s points

  • Slide clicker. Still no clicker. No Manoj either today. He is avoiding us.
  • Facebook page. Up and running. Mikkel will add all as administrators.
  • EPS grant. We got 300 € to host Lunch with Industry.
  • BBQ. Great success.

DTU Lys Colloquium: Angela Seddon on Thursday (29th of August). (Mikkel and Abu)

  • Room booked
  •  Abu takes care of the cake
  • Mikkel sends invitation to everyone
  • Test microphones. Daena investigates microphones.
  • Daena will buy a gift.

Optics suitcase for Kyei’s friend in Ghana (Kyei and Manoj)

  • Apply @ OSA. Has it been done? Abu will claim it at the Student Leadership at FiO
  • Abu applied and will collect at FiO.

Event Ideas

  • September:
    • Career day?
    • Funlight 2.0
    • School visits? (Abu and Frederik). We have an optics suitcase from SPIE (Abu and Simon and Mikkel)
  • October:
    • Lunch with Industry (Microsoft(Abu) & TERMA (Mikkel))
  • November:
    • Social day. (Escape room)
    •  Maybe another event?
  • December:
    • Yearly elections
    •  Exams

Anything else

  • High school visit. Simon talks to his old teacher at Birkerød gymnasium to make a plan on how to proceed. Ideally, Simon and 1 or 2 more go to present their work and bring some experimental demo.



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