Attendees: Abu, Manoj, Neethu, Simon, Chanju, Mikkel (president) and Daena
Meeting Start
Since last meeting:
- DTU Colloquium with Daena’s examiners. 35 people and lots of cake. Great success!
- Webpage: Frederik submitted form and got permission from LU. Now we are waiting, but we don’t know what. Let’s see next time. Martin did a backup of the webpage.
- E-mail. Hopefully at or maybe
- FUNLight tomorrow.
Everything is (sort of) under control.
- Slide clicker/laser pointer. Simon brings one. Manoj buys one for us.
- Mikkel and Abu figure out numbers.
- We all advertise tomorrow. Hopefully around 50-60 participants.
- Drinks tomorrow. Simon has a car a fridge, an apartment. Mikkel, Simon et al goes to buy.
Company visit at 3Shape
- 3rd of April
- 11:30 to 14:00 (including lunch)
- Max 25 people
- Who is in charge? Manoj and Abu are in charge
- Head start to Photonics people in the sign up
BBQ & get-together with students
- May is perhaps bad due to exams – June?
- 7th of June is decided.
- BBQ & get-together with students. Aurimas and Hitesh are invited.
- Games, food, fun.
- Daena is in charge
Anything else?
- Get people to sign up so we don’t lose good standing (ABU)
- Next meeting in May (Mikkel sends invitations)
- Visit high school to collect students for DTU
- Outreach after summer.
- Mikkel and Simon reach out to teachers.
- Hopefully we can get students for SRP projects.
- OSA: Abu check response.
- EPS: Deadline july 15th
- SPIE: Simon/Neethu
Next event:
- BBQ & get-together with students
- Next meeting:
- ???